Thursday, October 17, 2013

Square1 Packets Going Home 10/25 or 10/28

So EXCITED!! I just found out students should receive their order forms and stickers of their artwork on 10/25 or 10/28 (depending on the time the mail gets here Friday).

Friday, October 11, 2013

Next Week (the week of 10/14)

This 9 weeks is flying by at an unbelievable pace!  7th grade students have begun a fantasy animal project using recycled materials.  Bringing recyclable materials is part of the final fantasy animal project grade.  The project is 100 points.  Recyclable materials make up 20 of those points.  Each student needs to bring 4 recyclable items at the minimum (they should have a list in their agenda).  These items were due today, Friday Oct. 11.  Many students brought them.  Several students in each (2,3, and 5th) class have not.  I have extended the deadline until Monday.  Monday is the last day to receive full credit for recycle items. 

Eighth graders in my 6th period class need to complete reflections on the art work they have completed.  We reflected on their successes and challenges and the processes or techniques they used to complete the big projects they have done.  There are three reflections that must be turned in as a paragraph using the art vocabulary we discussed while making the project.  The clay project reflection, the narrative/contour drawing reflection, and the optical illusion (Op Art) project reflection are the three reflections.  I am missing several of these from 6th period students.  First and 6th period students will be painting their clay projects beginning Monday!!  They are using acrylic paint which dries to be plastic.  Clothes can be damaged if students are careless.  If you or your child are concerned about their clothing (or sports uniform) please provide an apron or old shirt for him or her.  He or she can bring it in to the art room (MONDAY) and store it in his or her cubby.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Square1 Art Fundraiser

This week 7th and 8th graders will begin a project that we will put on Square1 Art paper.  This will be a project that meets Art SOLs for 7th and 8th grade students and will be graded as a normal project.  However, this art will be sent away to the Square1 Art company.  After we send off the artwork, students will get a free sheet of stickers featuring their artwork on the stickers.  Students will also receive a catalog with a unique ID for each student where family, relatives, and friends who you share the ID number with can order merchandise like water bottles, pot holders, aprons, tiles, book marks, IPad covers, etc. with that student's artwork on the product.  No purchase is necessary.  KGMS art department will receive 45% of any sales for purchasing expensive art supplies such as glazes for clay, fancy paper, scratch board, printmaking supplies, etc.  Students will receive stickers regardless of whether you make any purchases.  Only someone with the student's ID number will be able to view and order the artwork.  Check out the Square1 website and let me know if you have any questions.

KGMS Art On Display at SBO

Update 10/4---KGMS Art is on display on the second floor of the School Board Office.  The SBO is open 8am-4pm Mon.-Fri. Students in P5 and P6 took home notes today if their artwork is featured.  P1, P2, and P3 students whose artwork is on display will receive their notes on Monday.  In all 59 student artworks are up.  Thank you to our fabulous young artists for their hard work.  Congratulations!!!